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MEgan Rohrer

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Megan Rohrer (he/him), DMin, is a controversial activist who is known for their advocacy for the homeless and LGBTQ communities.  Megan is an award winning filmmaker, musician and historian, who was a finalist for the Lambda Literary award, received an honorable mention as an Unsung Hero of Compassion by Wisdom in Action, with His Holiness the Dali Lama and as one of 95 individuals celebrated in Wittenberg, Germany during the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.  

Megan currently works as the Senior Church Communications Specialist at the historic Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco, where he supports sacred storytelling in San Francisco's Tenderloin District.  The author of more than 50 books, Megan is a prolific writer and artist that focuses on efforts that amply diverse communities and intersectional storytelling.  Through Wilgefortis Press, Megan has helped more than 50 authors share their stories with wider audiences. 

As the Executive Director of Welcome, for twelve years, Megan worked primarily with San Francisco’s LGBT homeless community. In addition to feeding the hungry on Polk Street and in the Castro, He created programs to provide groceries for HIV+ individuals, and advocates nationally for homeless LGBT youth and to help faith communities’ welcome LGBT individuals. Pastor Megan’s advocacy brought national attention to the issues faced by transgender women of color, when they raised the funds needed to get Meagan Taylor released from jail in Des Moines, IA.


A member of San Francisco's Local Homeless Coordinating Board, Megan serves as the chair of the Coordinated Entry Committee that oversees the triaging of housing and shelter resources.  Their work on this committee resulted in Redesign Recommendations that are currently being implemented to help decrease bias in shelter and housing.

Megan served as the Community Chaplain Coordinator for the San Francisco Police Department, on the San Francisco Women's March and TransMarch Steering Committees, the San Francisco Human Rights Commission’s LGBT Advisory committee, walked with the San Francisco Night Ministry and created a project that has given over 1,000 pairs of prescription glasses to the homeless in San Francisco for SF CARES. Pastor Megan was awarded the Connector Award by Project Homeless Connect..

Listed in the Trans100, Pastor Megan’s exhibit on transgender mentoring from 1976-2009 in San Francisco was displayed at the GLBT Historical Society and won OutHistory’s Since Stonewall Local History Competition. Megan has also won international awards for the Trans themed documentary Zanderology and was a finalist in transgender non-fiction for the Lambda Literary Award.


Megan has over 20 years experience working in faithful communities as a chaplain, pastor and finally as a Bishop.  Megan was a groundbreaking leader in the church before the LGBTQ individuals were allowed to fully serve.  Ordained Extraordinarily in 2006, Megan was one of 18 pastors ordained during the time when the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) did not allow LGBT pastors to serve openly.  Megan was the first openly transgender person ordained in the Lutheran Church, In 2010 Megan was one of the first seven pastors received into the ELCA after their policies changed.  One of the many pastors arrested protesting Prop 8, Megan has officiated at countless weddings for LGBT individuals before and after the marriages were legally recognized.

Megan became the first openly transgender bishop in a mainline denomination when they were elected bishop in 2021.  After their service, they continued their advocacy work by filing a complaint in the United States District Court – Northern District of California, alleging he was demeaned, harassed, defamed, and eventually pushed out of his role as Bishop.

Megan lives in Bernal Heights with his wife Laurel, two children,  two cats and one deacon.

© 2016-2023 by Megan Rohrer

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